Date of last modification: 31.10.2022


This Privacy Policy contains information required by law regarding the processing of personal data processed by Webcrafters Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością with its registered office at Warszawa postal code: 02-737, at ul. Niedźwiedzia 19/1 (hereinafter referred to as: the “Company”).

    1. Any direct phrases such as “you” and “your” apply to the user visiting the website: and using its services (the recipient of this Privacy Policy).

    2. Other definitions used in the Privacy Policy:

      1. Company - the service provider rendering the service through the website, acting also as the Controller of the Personal Data;

      2. GDPR - Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), 

      3. service - services provided by the Company and available on the website;

      4. website - the following website: and the service provided through it;

      5. personal data / data - any information obtained from you as part of the service and service that can identify you (see Article 4(1) of the GDPR for a broader definition);

      6.  data processing - an operation or a set of operations which are performed upon personal data - in particular the collection, storage, use of such data.

    1. The Controller of your personal data is the Company: Webcrafters Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością with its registered office in Warszawa postal code: 02-737, ul. Niedźwiedzia 19/1, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register under no: 0000696763.

    1. The Company shall apply appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the processed personal data from unauthorized access, accidental or unlawful loss or destruction, unauthorized disclosure and all unlawful forms of processing.

    1. The Company processes the data you provide within the forms available on the website or data left as part of your use of the Services. This is mainly data necessary to provide you with an account on the website and to enable you to use particular services, as well as data you leave while navigating the website, including data contained in the so-called cookies. 

    1. Purpose, legal basis and storage period of your personal data:

      1. Providing Service to Users

        • Legal basis: Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR (processing for the performance of a contract)

        • Storage period: until the claims related to the performance of the service are time-barred

      2. Proper functioning of the website, providing access to the website

        • Legal basis: Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR (processing for the performance of a contract)

        • Storage period: until the claims related to the performance of the service are time-barred

      3. Statistical measurements

        • Legal basis: Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR (processing for the performance of a contract)

        • Storage period: until the claims related to the performance of the service are time-barred

      4. In-house marketing 

        • Legal basis: Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR  

        • Storage period: Until a valid objection is made

      5. Newsletter mailing

        • Legal basis: Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR  

        • Storage period: Until a valid objection is made

    1. Personal data is provided on a voluntary basis. At the same time, failure to provide data marked as necessary within the service is necessary to provide services to you. If you provide false or inaccurate personal information, the company will not be able to perform services for you.

    2. If the Company obtains reliable information about your use of the website in violation of the Terms of Service or applicable law, the Company may process your personal data to the extent necessary to determine your liability.

    1. The Company, in certain circumstances, may transfer your data to other entities including entities in third countries (outside the European Economic Area). These are trusted processors that guarantee compliance with the rules of security of processing, and who are entrusted with certain activities in order to provide you with the best possible service.

    2. It is also possible to transfer your personal data to government authorities, but only if the Company is under a legal obligation in such a situation under Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR.

    1. You are entitled to the following rights:

      1. the right to access your data, including the right to obtain a copy of your data;

      2. the right to request rectification of data; 

      3. the right to erasure (in the cases provided for in the GDPR);

      4. the right to restrict the processing of your personal data;  

      5. the right to withdraw your consent - to the extent that your data is processed on the basis of that consent. Provided that the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing which was carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal;  

      6. the right to portability of personal data, i.e. to receive your personal data from the controller, in a structured, commonly used machine-readable format.

      7. the right to submit a complaint with the supervisory authority - the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection. 

    2. To exercise your rights, contact the Company via the e-mail address:

    1. The entity that places information in the form of cookies and other similar technologies on your device and accesses them is the Company and the entities to which the Company transfers your data, for example, entities providing technical services to the Company, including analytical and marketing services. Cookies are IT data, in particular text files stored in the final device of a User of WPM websites and applications. Cookies typically include the name of the website from which they came from, the time they were stored on the end device and a unique number. Cookies are not used to identify a user and the user's identity is not determined from them. A website may place a cookie on your browser if your browser allows it. Your browser only allows a website to access cookies placed by that website, not cookies placed by other websites. 

    1. Due to the duration of cookies and other similar technologies, two main types of these files are used:

      1. session cookies - temporary files that are stored on the user's end device until the user logs out, leaves the website or turns off the software (web browser).

      2. permanent cookies - stored in the user's end device for a period of time specified in the parameters of cookies or until they are deleted by the user. 

    2. Due to the purpose of cookies and other similar technologies, the following types of cookies are used: 

      1. cookies that are necessary for the operation of the service and application - enabling the use of our services;

      2. cookies that are necessary to ensure security, such as those used to detect authentication fraud;

      3. performance cookies - used to enable the collection of information about how websites and applications are used; 

      4. functionality cookies - used to allow websites to remember the User's selected settings and personalizing the interface, e.g. in terms of the chosen language or region from which you come; 

      5. advertising cookies - used to enable the delivery of advertising content more relevant to your interests; 

      6. statistical cookies - used to compile statistics about websites and applications.

    1. Cookies and other similar technologies are used for the following purposes:

      1. provision of services;

      2. adapting the content of websites and applications to user preferences and optimising the use of websites;

      3. adapting the content of websites and applications to user preferences and optimising the use of websites;;

      4. presentation of advertisements, among other things, in a manner that takes into account the user's interests or place of residence and with a guarantee that the same advertisement will not be presented to the user repeatedly

    1. In many cases, the web browsing software (web browser) allows by default to store information in the form of cookies and other similar technologies on the user's end device. You can change these settings at any time. Failure to make changes means that the aforementioned information may be placed and stored in your end device, and thus that the Company will store information in your end device and access this information. From the level of the browser you use, it is possible, for example, to manage cookies yourself. The most popular browsers offer, among other things, the ability to: accept cookies, which allows you to take full advantage of the options offered by websites; manage cookies at the level of individual sites you select; determine settings for different types of cookies, such as accepting permanent cookies as session cookies, etc.; block or delete cookies. Comprehensive information about these options are available in your software (browser) settings. Restricting or disabling the use of cookies and other similar technologies may affect some of the functionality available on the website.

    1. Contact with the Company regarding the processing of personal data is possible by sending an e-mail to:

    1. This Privacy Policy may be amended, in particular to adapt its provisions to the changing legal order. The current version of the Privacy Policy is available at: in a form that allows it to be copied, downloaded to a hard drive, and printed out.